Unlimited Accounts, Unlimited Campaigns
One Destination
Advertiser & Influencer Operations
Managing accounts and campaigns should not be difficult or expensive. It should be accurate, transparent and scalable.
How it Works
Meet FxPay's all-in-one advertiser and influencer operations service
Simple, Compliant and Transparent
Why FxPay
Let FxPay work for you. Invest your time where it's needed
Extremely Scalable
With FxPay's processes and technology, you can focus on growing your business without the fear of scaling geography and assets.
Reliable, secure and scalable cloud-based standard data structure
PII encryption and globalization
Self-sufficient unified model with pluggable APIs for external interactions
From strategy experts to powerful analytics - FxPay has it all.
Our focus is to increase your ROI. Operational efficiency starts from effective engagement with our Account Managers, appropriate planning with our Strategist, effective implementation of assets and triggers and continuous monitoring of performance. In the process of being accurate, we leverage technology for enablement.
Advertiser Operations
Strategy, Hygiene, Execution and Monitoring are key for advertisers to become successful. Operational efficiency drives accuracy that in turn drives revenue. Our primary focus is to take the operational load from the advertisers so that you can focus on what you are good at - running your business!
Account hygiene
Campaign management
Ad asset audit
Performance monitoring
Influencer Operations
You are the content creator. You are the reason why audiences visit the platforms. With a smooth and transparent operations you can do more of what you are good at. Leave the compliance and operations management to FxPay.
Program management
Contract management
Accurate invoicing
Asset audit
Payment processing
Analytics & reporting
Time to talk
Advertisers, Influencer, Platforms - we are here to take care of you. Lets talk!